Author: caphe


Researchers Reach Out to Informal Communities

Teams from CAPHE partner institutions Miastopracownia (MP), Opera Network (ON), and Conservatorio G. Puccini La Spezia (CP) devoted portions of their spring 2023 secondments to


CAPHE Researchers Share Knowledge in Nairobi

Academics and professionals participating in CAPHE research conducted workshops during their Kenyan mobilities, lending a European perspective to students and community groups. Researchers shared their


Nairobi Symposium Illuminates Research Inquiries

A two-day symposium featuring lectures, discussions, demonstrations and performances highlighted CAPHE’s initial mobility, with researchers using their time in Kenya to chart the project course


CAPHE Researchers Making News

With the help of Kenyatta University institutional lead Prof. John Mugubi, the CAPHE communications team secured extensive coverage from KUTV.